Types of Education Buildings Qualified to Earn ENERGY STAR Certification
✓ Traditional School District
✓ Magnet Schools
✓ Charter Schools
✓ Community Colleges
✓ Colleges
✓ Universities
School Districts are the primary Workforce source to provide the skilled workers needed to deliver the AEM Shutdown with ENERGY STAR solution helping commercial buildings become ENERGY STAR Certified.
What are the Benefits to School Districts (K-12) and Higher Education Institutions?
Enhance Workforce Development with Experiential Learning. The AEM Energy Champion program integrates real-world professional skills with high school credits and where possible, college credits. This paid apprenticeship combined with education credits maximizes the value of students' investment in professional energy management skills and certifications. This program is an accelerated path to job readiness, equipping students with the sought-after professional work experience employers desire in candidates.
When your school buildings are engaged with your district’s AEM Energy Champions implementing the AEM Shutdown with ENERGY STAR solution the district’s energy use and cost is reduced between 20-40%. This program is fully funded through cost savings, allowing you to redirect utility expenses towards facility maintenance, energy efficiency upgrades, and the classroom.
Active participation with your AEM Energy Champions will significantly reduce your building's CO2 emissions.